Tuesday, September 18, 2012

“It’s a recession when your neighbor loses his job; it’s a depression when you lose yours.”
- Harry S. Truman

Even though I've had many jobs and held various positions, writing has always been close to my heart.  This is one of the main reasons that I've started this blog.

I've been unemployed since January of this year.  Not working doesn't sit well with me at all!

I've worked since I was in high school (not because I had to but because I wanted my own money and working was the way to get it).  I come from a family of people who know the value of working.  No matter the job, our family motto is that you always do your best.

Sadly, I guess my best wasn't good enough for my last employer otherwise I would still be working.  LOL.

I started this blog (and it's Twitter sister: https://twitter.com/adventuresinue) for the following reasons:
  • To keep a record of my experiences while I'm unemployed (which I hope won't be much longer)
  • To assist in keeping me sane since I have been eating, drinking and sleeping nothing but looking for work.  It's all that I know.  It's become an obsession.  Find a job.  Find a job.  Find a job.  I don't intend for the blog to be a distraction, just something to document my thoughts and experiences during this rather interesting yet difficult time.
  • To share information that other unemployed friends and former colleagues have shared with me, which I hope will help not only me but any readers of this blog
  • To have a little fun
If all goes well, this blog will turn into ADVENTURES IN EMPLOYMENT!

Find A Job Image courtesy of www.thepsychologyoflife.com

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