Monday, March 25, 2013

...At Least Once

It seems that everyone, everywhere has advise to share with the thousands and thousands of unemployed people (interesting that most of the advice givers are all employed, many with great paying jobs) like myself who are doing everything possible to find work.

From what's wrong with our resumes to how we just blew that last job interview because we didn't have on the "right" watch, there is no shortage of advice from these wise sages.

While I might not have the brilliance of these employment gurus, being unemployed for such a long time has taught me a thing or two that I would like to share. 

Please allow me to present my list of the top 5 things that every unemployed person should do - at least once.  I'm not saying that any of these things will get you the employment that you seek, still they're worth a try.  Let's start:

NUMBER 5 - Prepare a daily list of things to do that will GET you a job.

NUMBER 4 - Read every (and I mean every) book on the market covering how to not be unemployed by very successful, employed people.

NUMBER 3 - Attend as many seminars as you possibly can to learn everything that you are doing wrong and why being unemployed is 100% your fault.

NUMBER 2 - Update your resume every week, for every interview, for every application to keep it current and fresh AND you employable.

NUMBER 1 - Use every ounce of energy (when you're not updating your resume for the umpteenth time) to get on a game show.  Since it would appear that in this current job market, our chances of getting on a game show and winning are better than finding a job.

There is no guarantee that any of the 5 above listed items will get you employed but at least job hunting will take on an interesting twist.

The game continues ...